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A Day in a Cows Life


Newborn calf

Baby calf raising is left to the experts for Soaring Eagle Dairy, the best cows in the herd are bred to produce a female Holstein to ensure genetic improvement. These baby girls are transported to a farm in Kewaunee where they are cared for about one week before loading onto a semi for a ride to sunny Colorado.


Soaring Eagle Dairy is a partner in a dairy heifer raising facility in Haxtun and Carr, CO called The Heifer Authority. The business specializes in raising top quality animals that are ready to return home to their home farms & become dairy cows. Colorado was selected for the location of this operation due to its warmer, sunnier & drier climates. To see more on The Heifer Authority click here to link to their facebook page. www.facebook.com/thaheifers

Soaring Eagle Dairy calfing area

Once the animals reach approximately 2 years of age, they return to Wisconsin and become milking cows, just like their mothers before them. Cows are milked three times each day. Cow comfort is important to the dairy and has led to the installation of a mist cooling system, rubber flooring and tunnel ventilation. Sand bedded free-stalls were retrofitted into existing barns in 2004. All cows are bred AI after a 75 day waiting period and are dry for 45 days prior to freshening. A mixed ration of corn silage, haylage, corn, and minerals are fed to the cows.